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Task Force on Transparency in Publicly Funded Animal Testing Facilities

The Task Force on Transparency in Publicly Funded Animal Testing Facilities (Task Force) is scheduled to meet on Friday, July 26, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the Patrick Henry Building, East Reading Room, 1111 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA, 23219.

Chapters 675 and 693 of the 2024 Acts of Assembly require the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, in collaboration with the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, to convene the Task Force for the purpose of identifying potential deficiencies in publicly funded animal testing facilities in the Commonwealth and recommending methods and context for making certain information about such animal testing facilities publicly available.

The Task Force plans to hold three meetings through September, with a possible meeting in October to review a draft report. The Task Force is required to report its findings and recommendations on how to improve transparency at publicly funded animal testing facilities in the Commonwealth to the House Committees on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources; Finance; and Appropriations; and the Senate Committees on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources and Finance and Appropriations, no later than November 1, 2024.

Additional Task Force information, including meeting notices, meeting recordings, meeting minutes, presentations, and other documents, will be posted here:

Task Force Members and Alternates (pdf)

July 26, 2024 Meeting Information:
Meeting Notice Video
Agenda Minutes

August 30, 2024 Meeting Information:
Meeting Notice Video
Agenda Minutes

September 20, 2024 Meeting Information:
Meeting Notice Video Part 1 | Part 2
Agenda Minutes

October 11, 2024 Meeting Information:
Meeting Notice Video
Agenda Minutes