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The Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs (OCRP) is responsible for administering the Fantasy Contests Act in the Commonwealth. Every person or entity that offers fantasy contests for a cash prize to members of the public is required to register with OCRP prior to operating any contest in accordance with Virginia’s Fantasy Contests Act.

Information for Players

Information for Operators

VDACS recognizes the following three laboratories as authorized to verify compliance with the applicable provisions of Virginia’s Fantasy Contests Act. Registered Fantasy Contest Operators are required to submit testing reports verifying compliance to OCRP on an annual basis.

815 Pilot Road, Suite G
Las Vegas, NV 89119
6401 Davis Industrial Parkway
Solon, OH 44139
600 Airport Road
Lakewood, NJ 08701

If you would like to file a complaint concerning fantasy contests in Virginia, either call the OCRP complaint line at 804.371.0498 or complete the complaint form located under the “Information for Players” section above. Complaints related to sports betting or sportsbook may be directed to the Virginia Lottery through their online complaint form, which may be found by clicking here.

Click here for Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs contact information.

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