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The Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs (OCRP) promotes the integrity of charitable gaming activities in the Commonwealth.

OCRP is responsible for issuing or renewing approximately 450 charitable gaming permits and approximately 125 registrations per year to organizations, as well as the regulation of charitable gaming activities in the Commonwealth. Additionally, under Virginia’s charitable gaming statute and regulations, OCRP performs on-site training and operational inspections of charitable gaming activities, initiates compliance audits of organizations conducting charitable gaming and more.

Information for Players

Players wishing to voluntarily exclude themselves from participating in certain legalized gambling in Virginia, whether charitable gaming; horse racing, including live racing, off-track betting, historical racing machines, and advance deposit account wagering; account-based Virginia Lottery games; and online sports betting for a period of either two years, five years, or lifetime may click on the following link to learn more about Virginia's Voluntary Exclusion Program:

Information for Organizations

In accordance with the Code of Virginia, all permitted organizations must file financial reports on all of their charitable gaming receipts and disbursements activities by certain deadlines. More information on financial reporting may be found below:

In accordance with the Code of Virginia, all organizations conducting any charitable gaming activity must purchase its charitable gaming supplies from a licensed supplier or obtain electronic pull-tabs/gaming devices from a licensed manufacturer of electronic pull-tab/gaming systems. A list of licensed suppliers and manufacturers of electronic pull-tab/gaming may be found below:

In accordance with the Code of Virginia, all organizations wishing to have an operator administer its Texas Hold’em poker tournament on its behalf in lieu of conducting the tournament itself must use a registered Texas Hold’em poker tournament operator. Furthermore, all organizations wishing to operate and conduct its Texas Hold’em poker tournament, or to have an operator administer its tournament on premises it will lease, regardless of whether it will be charged a rental fee, must use a registered landlord. A list of registered operators and landlords may be found below:

The Bingo Session Interactive Analysis Tool assists organizations in identifying strengths and weaknesses in their bingo sessions. This interactive tool provides financial insight into each session, information whether the session needs restructuring, and offers suggestions on adjustments to the session in order to potentially increase game profits. The interactive tool may be found below:

In accordance with the Charitable Gaming Regulations and Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament Regulations, a permitted or registered organization must prominently display its permit or registration, complaint poster, Compulsive Gambling poster, and Illegal Gaming Tip-Line Poster while it is conducting charitable gaming activities. These posters may be found below:

Information for Landlord, Suppliers, Manufacturers & Operators

Click here for Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs contact information.

If you would like to file a complaint concerning charitable gaming activities in Virginia, call the OCRP complaint line at 804.371.0498.

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