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The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) is a diverse agency offering a variety of career opportunities statewide.

Apply Now

  • Virginia Jobs website  - current opportunities with VDACS
  • The Virginia Jobs website also allows you to search using additional criteria such as location and job title. Enter “Agriculture & Consumer Svcs” to filter back to VDACS jobs.

More Information & Resources

New Employees

  • Instructions, complete and bring the following documents with you to orientation (pdf)
  • Benefits
  • Documents to Bring on Your First Day of Work
    • A voided check or an official printout from your bank showing your account and routing number.
    • • Social Security Card [per IRS Regulation 31.6011 (b)2]. If you do not have your original card, please go to your local Social Security Office to request a new one and bring the receipt that can be used to temporarily satisfy this requirement.
    • If you are military veteran, please bring you DD214 form showing your discharge information.

VDACS Human Resources Office
Hearing Impaired 800.828.1120 or 711

Reasonable accommodations are available to persons with disabilities during application and/or interview processes per the Americans with Disabilities Act. Contact hr.vdacs@vdacs.virginia.gov for assistance.  VDACS is dedicated to recruiting, supporting, and maintaining a competent and diverse workforce. Equal Opportunity Employer.

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