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Emergency Contacts

  • If you believe that your food has been exposed to a biological, chemical, physical, or nuclear agent, or if you believe an intentional terrorist threat will occur or is occurring that is related to food products, please contact your local police or click here for other law enforcement agencies (or check your local telephone directory).
  • If you are unable to reach the local police department, you may contact the State Police Domestic Terrorism Hotline at 1.866.488.8554.

** Please note that because any terrorist act is a criminal activity, the local police department needs to be notified first of any terrorist threats or incidents in regards to food. The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services stands ready to assist local, state, and federal authorities should a terrorist threat or event affecting food occur.

Should you have questions or concerns about the above protocol, you may contact the VDACS Food Safety and Security Program at 804.786.2035.

Emergency Contacts

Important Links

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