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The Office of Domestic Marketing and Promotions assists Virginia's agricultural producers and processors market their products throughout the United States and Eastern Canada. Contact the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) for information, assistance or directories of Virginia agricultural, food and forest products.

Agricultural Marketing Assistance

Regional marketing development managers are located throughout the Commonwealth. These professionals provide assistance to agricultural producers, buyers and industry representatives to enhance sales efforts, develop value-added ventures and support new marketing initiatives. They also serve as program managers for many of Virginia’s agriculture commodity boards.

National Marketing Assistance

VDACS develops markets for Virginia agricultural products throughout the United States and Eastern Canada. Marketing representatives assist producers and processors by initiating potential sale leads, hosting production area tours for buyers and other promotional activities. Representatives are available to provide information and advice through consultations, group presentations and reports.

Buyer Resources

Additional Information & Resources

Heather Wheeler
Manager, Office of Domestic Marketing and Promotions

Click here for additional Domestic Marketing and Promotions contacts.

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