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The Office of International Marketing connects Virginia agricultural producers with export opportunities. We promote Virginia agricultural commodities, wood products, seafood and specialty food and beverage items through our Virginia office and a global network of trade representatives in Canada, China, Europe, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and the United Kingdom.

Export Resources

The Office of International Marketing is available to help Virginia agricultural, food and forest product producers assess market potential, understand international regulations, identify buyers and learn about product-specific export programs and marketing events. Contact us for these resources, including opportunities with partner organizations such as the Southern United States Trade Association, American Hardwood Export Council and a variety of commodity export associations.

Buyer Resources

Contact the Office of International Marketing for directories of Virginia agricultural, food and forest product exporters.


Many of this year's trade events have unfortunately been postponed or canceled due to COVID-19. The Office of International Marketing (OIM) is using this opportunity to pursue innovative ways to assist Virginia companies in reaching international markets. From virtual trade missions to social media campaigns, OIM will utilize its trade representatives and resources to market Virginia agricultural and forestry products around the world. Contact us to learn more.

Jesse Phillips, Director of International Marketing

Gretchen Clark, International Marketing Specialist

Pauline Evins, International Project Coordinator

Brooke Castro, Administrative Assistant

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