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Swine (including pet pigs)

  • Poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites, & game birds such as quail or partridge)
  • Primates (monkeys & apes)
  • Swine (including pet pigs)
  • Other Animals (such as reptiles, large cats, bears)

Virginia regulations govern the entry of animals into the Commonwealth. Details are available in Virginia’s Swine Entry Requirements.

All swine entering Virginia must bear official identification, and the identification number must be noted on the Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI).

Swine originating from a herd or region that is considered free from brucellosis and pseudorabies may enter Virginia without further testing requirements provided this information is indicated on the CVI and the swine have not had known contact with free roaming swine.

Swine originating from a region not considered free of brucellosis or pseudorabies require additional testing. Swine that are, or have had known contact with, free roaming swine also require additional testing.

Swine may be imported for immediate slaughter into Virginia without a CVI. Commercial swine intended for feeding purposes (and not intended for breeding purposes) from a farm of origin in a state adjoining Virginia and from a pseudorabies free region may enter Virginia without a CVI only if an alternative movement document approved by the State Veterinarian is submitted.

If you have questions about Virginia’s animal admission requirements, please contact the Office of Veterinary Services.

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