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Poultry and Egg Marketing

The Poultry and Egg Marketing section, administers the poultry and egg grading program under a Cooperative State Trust Fund Agreement with the United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Marketing Service. Our employees are fully trained and licensed by USDA/AMS as Federal/State graders.


The acceptance and use of government grade standards evolved slowly until the advent of World War II when food bought for the military was required to be graded or inspected because of the inconsistent quality of foods being delivered to U.S. troops. Producers, processors, and sellers soon learned that grading and inspection services, coupled with the ability to properly price their products, assisted them with needed tools to merchandise their products.


Poultry and eggs undergo many transformations as they travel through the nation's marketing system from the farm to your fork. For example, poultry has shed its skin and bones to satisfy the demand for "ease to prepare", "portion controlled",and "low-fat entrees" that satisfy both the at-home and away-from-home food markets.

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