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Cattle (including bison, water buffalo, & yak)

Virginia regulations govern the entry of animals into the Commonwealth. If you are bringing an animal into Virginia, please click on the appropriate link below to find out what is required.

  • Poultry (chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, ratites, and game birds such as quail or partridge)
  • Primates (monkeys & apes)
  • Swine (including pet pigs)
  • Other Animals (such as reptiles, large cats, bears)

Cattle Entry Requirements (additional information available at interstatelivestock.com)

For cattle originating from a tuberculosis and brucellosis free state or zone, there are no testing or vaccination requirements except as follows:

  • Please indicate on the CVI if bulls younger than 18 months of age are virgin or non-virgin. Non-virgin bulls under 18 months of age and all bulls 18 months of age or older moving to a farm, scheduled agricultural fair, show, or sale in Virginia must have a negative PCR test for Trichomoniasis within 30 days prior to entry.
  • Rodeo bulls are required to have a negative caudal fold or comparative cervical tuberculin test within 60 days prior to entry into Virginia. Rodeo bulls are not required to have a negative trich test.
  • Unless using an approved electronic CVI from GlobalVetLink, VetSentry or USDA VSPS, veterinarians must obtain an entry permit number for all cattle imported to Virginia. An online animal entry permit system is available at no cost for accredited veterinarians to obtain a permit number. Veterinarians must sign-up for an account and be approved before creating an Entry Permit.

For questions or assistance with obtaining entry permits, please contact:

Richard Odom
Animal Health Information Systems Manager and ADT Coordinator
Office of Veterinary Services
Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
804.692.0600 | richard.odom@vdacs.virginia.gov