Sales are held in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and the Monterey Stockyards LLC. Animals are brought in and sold the same day.
- January 15
- February 5
- March 5
- April 2
- May 21
- June 4
- July 2
- August 6
- September 3
- October 11 (Saturday)
- November 5
- December 3
- All sheep and lambs must have USDA approved Premise ID tags. If you need tags call 540.209.9120.
- Healthy lambs (ewes, wethers and rams), feeder lambs, cull ewes, cull rams and other sheep suitable for slaughter or feeder purposes will be accepted and offered for sale.
- Lambs and sheep will be evaluated by VDACS personnel and commingled according to grades.
- Animals will be sold to highest bidder. The sale will accept bids from buyers at the market and will use the Tel-O-Auction.
- The marketing fee will be the regular commission charged by Monterey Stockyards, LLC.
- Take-in will be from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
- The auction sale will begin at 2 p.m.
Matthew Sponaugle
VDACS Livestock Services
Monterey Stockyards, LLC.
Barry Wilkins
Click here for additional Livestock Services contacts.
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