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Information for Markets & Dealers

Livestock Markets, Buying Stations & Cattle Dealers

The federal Animal Disease Traceability Rule published in January 2013 requires the following of all federally-approved livestock markets and buying stations:

  • All cattle (except beef feeders and direct-to-slaughter cattle) coming to a Virginia market from other states must be identified with official ID and be listed on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) or other documents agreed upon by the states.
  • All cattle (except beef feeders and direct-to-slaughter cattle) leaving a Virginia market and moving to another state must be identified with official ID and be listed on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) or other documents agreed upon by the states.
  • Direct-to-slaughter cattle may be identified with an official back tag and do not require a CVI.
  • Beef feeder cattle under 18 months of age do not have to be individually identified, but must be accompanied by a CVI if moving interstate from a market.
  • Official animal identification and buyer-seller records must be collected and maintained for 5 years.

Recognizing that market operators are not in a good position to enforce federal traceability rules without substantial impact to their businesses, VDACS has worked with the Virginia Livestock Services Association and adjoining states to create policies that facilitate the movement of cattle and at the same time improve animal disease traceability in the Commonwealth. Approved markets and tagging sites in Virginia may voluntarily enter into a binding agreement with VDACS that exempts them from federal identification and CVI requirements as long as the following conditions are met:

  • All cattle (except beef feeders and direct-to-slaughter cattle), regardless of origin, that do not have official ID must be tagged with official ID before leaving the premises. This includes all sexually-intact beef and dairy cattle, dairy feeder steers and dairy calves.
  • All sexually-intact, non-cull beef and dairy cattle must be tagged with an 840-series RFID ear tag provided by VDACS. The 840-tag and the official back tag from the same animal must be recorded and associated with buyer and seller records.
  • Official ID and buyer-seller records must be maintained by the market or VDACS for 5 years.

In addition, cattle moving from an approved Virginia livestock market and tagging site to North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or West Virginia may use a shipping statement or sale receipt in lieu of a CVI as long as back tags or official ID numbers are listed on the document.

Cattle moving to other states not listed above must meet all entry requirements of those states as well as federal ADT requirements (official ID and CVI generally required).

State livestock inspectors and veterinary personnel are available to assist market operators with official identification and traceability requirements.

Richard Odom
Virginia Animal Disease Traceability Program

Premises Registration: prem.id@vdacs.virginia.gov 

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