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Dangerous Dog Registry

The Virginia Dangerous Dog Registry is a public, searchable online database of dogs declared dangerous by local courts. It also serves as the mechanism by which local animal control officers must report dangerous dogs to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.


Information for Dangerous Dog Owners

Contact your local animal control agency for information about initial registration or annual renewal. Dangerous dog owners should pay all fees to their local animal control agency or treasurer’s office, as directed by their locality. Do not send fees to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Information for Animal Control Officers & Local Government Officials

Enter or update information about dangerous dogs residing in your locality here. You will need a username and password. If you are unsure of your log-in credentials, please contact the Office of Veterinary Services.

You may use the forms below for local record-keeping purposes. However, please do not submit paper forms to the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Legislation & Regulation

Office of Veterinary Services

Click here for Division of Animal and Food Industry Services contact information.

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