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African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic and feral pigs of all ages. ASF is found in countries around the world, including Africa, Asia and parts of the European Union. It has yet to be found in the United States but it has recently spread to the Dominican Republic and Haiti. If an outbreak of ASF were to occur in the United States, it could have significant trade implications.

US Swine Health Improvement Plan (US SHIP) program

US SHIP will establish national standards centered on disease prevention and the ability to demonstrate freedom of disease in the event of an outbreak. In the event of a disease occurrence in the US, participation in the plan will provide a pathway to resume interstate and international trade. 

  • US SHIP is a voluntary program.
  • Enroll now  through the Virginia State Veterinarian’s office (804.786.2483, vastatevet@vdacs.virginia.gov). 
  • The participant needs to complete a biosecurity survey and demonstrate competency in providing 30 days of animal movement data electronically. 
  • There is no fee to participate.  

Information & Resources

Click here for Division of Animal and Food Industry Services contact information.

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