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Press Releases

September 1, 2024
Virginia Spirits Sale-A-Bration Returns to Virginia ABC this September

The Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Authority (ABC) is proud to partner with the Virginia Spirits Board and the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) in celebrating September as Virginia Spirits Month.

In celebration of this special month, Virginia ABC presents the Virginia Spirits Sale-A-Bration. This month-long sale features a 20% discount on more than 180 Virginia-made spirits, including bourbon, moonshine, gin, vodka and ready-to-drink cocktails.

This designation also recognizes the Commonwealth’s rich history of spirits and spotlights more than 120 licensed distilleries that call the state home.

“Virginia-made spirits are competing on the world stage,” said CEO Dale Farino. “Virginia ABC is proud to partner with our distillers to make these quality products available across the Commonwealth.”

Virginia is the Birthplace of American Spirits. In 1620, during the early Jamestown settlement days, George Thorpe – after being introduced to corn by the regional indigenous people – used the crop in place of barley to distill the first batch of American whiskey. George Washington, the first president of the United States, went on to become the biggest producer of Virginia whiskey during his time.

“From the grains and fruits that are grown by Virginia farmers to the barrel components that originate from Virginia forests, the state's agricultural and forestry industries play an important role in the Commonwealth's spirts industry. Virginia distillers not only use these products, but they also provide farmers with spent mash that is used for feed and fertilizer,” said VDACS Commissioner Joseph Guthrie.

Virginia’s distillery industry generated an economic impact of more than $1.1 billion and supported more than 3,000 jobs in 2022 according to a recent study by Economic Forensics and Analytics, Inc., commissioned by the Virginia Spirits Board.

Virginia distillers source more than 70% of their ingredients from Virginia farms, including corn, wheat, barley, rye, potatoes and fruits. Distillers in the state also source finishing components such as new barrels and bottles or used cider, wine and beer barrels.

“Virginia Spirits Month is a wonderful time to honor the tradition and innovation of our local distillers,” said Jack Gorman, executive director of the Virginia Spirits Board Marketing Office. “We invite all Virginians to not only explore the exciting options available through our Virginia Spirits Passport but also to support distilleries throughout the state by asking for Virginia-made spirits wherever they enjoy a cocktail. By doing so, we celebrate our rich heritage and ensure that the spirit of Virginia continues to thrive."

For more information on Virginia Spirits Month and Virginia-made products, visit https://www.abc.virginia.gov/products/virginia-spirits-sale.

Virginia ABC and our partners remind everyone to sip responsibly during Virginia Spirits Month.

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