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Maintaining your pesticide applicator certification requires you attend a recertification course approved for the category(s) of applications in which you are certified. Applicators who take the required recertification course will have their certificates automatically renewed and sent to them.

For Commercial Applicators and Registered Technicians:

  • Certified applicators are required to attend an approved category specific recertification course every two years before their certificate expires for each category they hold.
  • If an applicator has the required recertification credit, their certificate will be automatically renewed. Applicators will either renew in an odd or even year. The expiration date is listed on the applicator's certificate. Effective March 17, 2022, the fee for commercial applicators and registered technicians to renew their certificates has been eliminated.
    • Applicators whose certificates expire on June 30 and who take the required recertification course(s) will have their certificate automatically renewed and a new certificate will be sent to them. As long as the applicator has taken the required recertification course, they are considered "renewed" even if we have not yet entered the credit or sent the certificate.
  • For applicators who are due for renewal but do not take a recertification course by June 30 their certificate is expired. If a pesticide applicator applies any pesticide without a current certification, they are in violation of Virginia’s laws and regulations and subject to enforcement action.
    • Applicators are granted 60 days after June 30 to obtain recertification credit to renew their expired certificate, otherwise they will have to be reexamined. After the 60 day grace period, the only way to renew their certificate is by examination. Until they have taken the required recertification course, they are not allowed by law to apply pesticides.
    • Applicators who do not take a recertification course by August 29 of the expiration year listed on their certificate and who wish to be certified are required by law to retest which requires submission of an application and fee.

For Private Applicators:

  • Private applicators are required to attend an approved category specific recertification course every 2 years before their certificate expires.
  • If an applicator has the required recertification credit, their certificate will be automatically renewed. Applicators will either renew in an odd or even year. The expiration date is listed on the applicator's certificate. As long as the applicator has taken the required recertification course, they are considered "renewed" even if we have not yet entered the credit or sent the certificate.
  • If an applicator does not take the recertification course by December 31, their certificate is expired. If a private pesticide applicator applies a restricted use pesticide without a current certification, they are in violation of Virginia’s laws and regulations and subject to enforcement action.
    • Applicators are granted 60 days after December 31 to obtain recertification credit to renew their expired certificate, otherwise they will have to be reexamined. Until they have taken the required recertification course, they are not allowed by law to apply restricted use pesticides.
    • After the 60 day grace period, the only way to renew their certificate is by examination.

Recertification Course Information and Requirements

Reciprocal recertification may be granted to out-of-state commercial or private applicators who were  granted certificates via reciprocity if they:
  • Maintain certification in their home state;
  • Provide proof of current certification to the Office of Pesticide Services prior to the date of Virginia Certification expiration;
  • Are currently certified in a state that grants reciprocal recertification to Virginia applicators in like categories; and,
  • Have met all other Virginia requirements for recertification.

Applicators who were issued a commercial or private applicator certificate that do not renew their certificate will have to be tested should they make a request to reinstate it.

Click here for Office of Pesticide Services contact information.

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