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With four modern facilities located throughout the Commonwealth, the Division of Animal and Food Industry Services’ animal health laboratory system provides regulatory and diagnostic testing for veterinarians, food manufacturers, agricultural animal producers, pet owners and other government program areas.

Our laboratories offer a wide range of services in bacteriology, serology, virology, parasitology, pathology, and molecular testing. We perform necropsies, bacteriological cultures, identification and sensitivity testing, hematology, parasitology, and histopathological examination of tissues. Consumers are also protected by the testing of raw milk products, meat and cheese, ice cream and water.

Laboratory employees work daily to diagnose livestock and poultry diseases. Keeping in close contact with farmers, veterinarians and state and federal agencies is vital to maintaining surveillance and control of infectious and contagious animal diseases.

VDACS implemented a new Laboratory Information Management System on 2/3/25 that enables our customers to access their account online. Starting in March of 2025 customers will also be allowed to pay via this portal.

Online Client Portal

Training video for Online Client Portal: Training video

For additional information, please contact the nearest Regional Animal Health Laboratory. General inquiries can be sent to: LabServices.VDACS@vdacs.virginia.gov

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